Saturday, September 4, 2010


For the first time in I do not know how many years my sister and I got to spend our birthdays together, and with two of our oldest and dearest friends. Sarah and I are exactly 2 years and 1 day apart. Growing up we always did our birthdays together, and I do not think either of us loved it every year. Now 35 and 33 years later, I treasured both days and the time we got to spend together. As wives, mothers and adults who live nine hours apart, we get very little adult girl time, so thank you Kim and Sarah P. for an awesome birthday night out. Kim and Sarah P., as we always called her to keep the Sarah's straight, surprised us with a limo for the evening, a cooler full of our favorite drinks and dinner at a fun restaurant in downtown OKC.

Kim, Sarah, Sarah and me

Sweet Sisters!!

Parker, Kloe (Kim's daughter) and Sarah Foster

The kids telling me goodbye

In the limo

The Sarah's

Me and Kim

Sarah drinking her beverage of choice for the evening since she is pregnant!! So cute!!


Unknown said...

Happy BIrth dat.
I wishing to all od you
Seo Servises

Rose said...

Aww, your kids are reallly adorable!

Anonymous said...

belos posts me amarrei!