Sunday, April 19, 2009

Building Bird Houses With Daddy

The day after I had knee surgery, Chad took Parker and Sarah Foster to Home Depot to build bird houses. They had the best time. They did not get to stay very long because I was resting while Walker slept and of course Walker woke up not long after they left. I actually had to call Ginger, I am sooo thankful for great neighbors, to get Walker out of bed because I could not carry him.

I was watching a movie not long ago and this weekend really reminded me of the movie. The main character was a working mom who called her sister to help with childcare. The sister, also a mother, who did not work rattled on about all she had to do and said that she was the CEO of the house that was her job!! First of all let me say working mother's are SUPER CEO's!! After having knee surgery, I realized I am the CEO of our home. Scheduling, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, car pool, diapers, hugs and kisses for skinned knees and bumped heads and I am sure many other things usually falls on the mother. I am thankful to have a very helpful hands on husband. It was funny to me, though, how things were for lack of a better word out of "wack" after I had surgery.

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