Sunday, September 14, 2008

Touch a Truck day in Tupelo

Yesterday was touch a truck day in Tupelo. Sarah Foster did not like the noise too much, but she did enjoy a sucker. Daddy did not enjoy getting the sucker all over him, but that is parenthood.

Parker's favorite was the helicopter. He wanted to fly in it.

Parker did like driving the big trucks. They also had excavators and front end loaders that you could ride on with a worker. We stood in line and when it was Parker's turn he would not get up there. Anyone who knows Parker knows that is not like him at all!!

In the end he was happy to have a sucker, a balloon and a coloring book. It was really a fun family thing to do, and we will look forward to it next year. Maybe Sarah Foster will actually walk a little bit and Chad's bicep will not spasm from caring her the whole time.

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