Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hotty Toddy Week 2

The boys are headed for Oxford the second week in a row. Sarah Foster had to show her support in her Ole Miss dress. She did throw a fit when they left. She wants to go everywhere Parker goes especially if he has gone somewhere with her Daddy!! I have a bag packed full for Parker, but I hope he watches a little of the game.

Don't you love that fake smile!!

Hair Cut Day

Can you tell by this sweet picture who got the hair cut and who did NOT!! The appt was for Parker to get his flower child hair cut. It is in his eyes even though he keeps telling me he can see just fine. We went after school on Thursday and after no nap. He was hysterical the second we walked in the door. I tried to have him sit on my lap, or what little lap I have left. He is so strong I had to call in reinforcements. Daddy came to save the day, but Parker was beyond getting it together. While Daddy and Parker were talking, I was talking to Mr. Bill about cutting Sarah Foster's hair, just a little, maybe after the baby was born. For some reason, I just could not bring myself to do it. When Parker could not get it together, Chad said go ahead and do hers!! After I swallowed the lump in my throat, my sweet little baby had a little of the back of her hair trimmed. Why are these things so hard!!!

She sat there and was an angel.
I so wish she could teach her brother how to act. Poor Mr. Bill when he has to cut Parker's hair next week.

She even had fun being cheesy for the camera!!!

Halloween PJ's

In more of my pregnancy panic, I did not have matching Halloween pajamas for the kids. Tragic I know!! So, it is the middle of September, but I thought we better go ahead and get some wear out of them. I act as though our lives are going to stop once baby number 3 gets here.

Playing With Friends

Sarah Foster swinging with her friend Ella Grace. They are in school together and only 10 days apart.

Kids playing with Allie and getting her Barbie jeep stuck in the neighbors yard. Not exactly sure what Parker was doing on the hood!!

Allie driving Sarah Foster around. We do not know what we would do without The Montgomery's next door to entertain us!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hotty Toddy

Yesterday was Parker's first Ole Miss football game of the season. It was the first time for him to go with his Daddy and sit in the bleachers. Chad said he only looked at the field during half time when the band was playing. He did eat a mini pizza, skittles and a blue snow cone as big as he is. Oh and his favorite drink of sprite!! They made it through the 3rd quarter which I thought was pretty impressive for our little tornado that never sits still. Sarah Foster and I had a great girls night of shopping, ice cream, and carousel riding at the mall.

Parker with his friends Maggie and Cooper Davis after the game. He got to ride with them to the game which I'm sure was the highlight of the night.

Touch a Truck day in Tupelo

Yesterday was touch a truck day in Tupelo. Sarah Foster did not like the noise too much, but she did enjoy a sucker. Daddy did not enjoy getting the sucker all over him, but that is parenthood.

Parker's favorite was the helicopter. He wanted to fly in it.

Parker did like driving the big trucks. They also had excavators and front end loaders that you could ride on with a worker. We stood in line and when it was Parker's turn he would not get up there. Anyone who knows Parker knows that is not like him at all!!

In the end he was happy to have a sucker, a balloon and a coloring book. It was really a fun family thing to do, and we will look forward to it next year. Maybe Sarah Foster will actually walk a little bit and Chad's bicep will not spasm from caring her the whole time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

More Pregnancy Panic

I have not been feeling great the last few days, so of course my panic that things are not done is even greater now. After a surprise birthday party last night for a friend, I had our sweet babysitter, Ashley who Parker says is his cousin, take some pictures for the nursery.

I love that Sarah Foster is kissing the baby and has her tongue on my belly.

Sweet Parker looking at me while kissing the baby!! He keeps asking if the baby is coming yet, and if he can hold her. I wonder if they can sense when it is going to happen. I also wonder if he is right about a girl. He has said it is a girl more often then boy. He is also anxious for the baby to come because I said he could go to the zoo when the baby gets here and G.G. is here to help. So, I do not know if he is really excited about the baby or the zoo. Actually I probably do know the answer to that question!!

Birthday Party

We made cupcakes for Paxton's 8th Birthday on Sunday.
Carter 5, Paxton 8, Sarah Foster 20 months, Parker 3, Chandler 2
The crazy thing is there are 3 more cousins under 8, and one on the way!!!

Sarah Foster LOVES cupcakes!!!

This is our friend Allie's dress, and I think that she looks so cute in it. I remember Allie being so cute in it too, and I can not believe Sarah Foster is big enough to wear it.

Yeah the Swing Set is Done

I do not know who is happier with the final product Daddy or the kids.
Thanks Big, Chad's dad, for helping on the final day. Now that we have the yellow jacket problem under control the kids are having a blast!! A swing set has been great to keep the kids entertained.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Full Moons In The Tub

They love bath time and play so well together in the bath tub. I am very thankful Chad usually does the bathing and I do the dressing. That makes my back thankful too!! Look at those cute smiles and full moons.

First Day of School

Tuesday was the first day of school at First Methodist. Parker in the 3 year old room and Sarah Foster in the older Toddler room. They both had great days. Sarah Foster loves bags, and had to have a back pack just like her brother. Parker has told me the last 2 days that he can walk in by himself. He is only 3 and already does not want his mother to walk him in. Marty took them to school for me on Tuesday so I could work, and I thought they would like me to walk them in. Guess not!! My independent and energetic 3 year old. What am I going to do when he goes to Kindergarten, which he asked today when does he get to go to Kindergarten.

Swing Set Continued

These pictures were taken about 4 hours after the project was started. We are very thankful Chan was able to help. I do not know how much help Parker was, but I am sure he talked their ears off!! Chad's project this weekend is to finish the swing set, I hope??!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pregnancy Panic

Besides the fact that I am 34 weeks pregnant, chasing a 3 year old and a one year old, and it is 90 degrees outside, oh and my maternity clothes are too tight, I am having the I do not have much time left panic. Chad's mom sent us a crib last week from her house, so that is one thing checked off my list. Parker and Sarah Foster love being in the same room. I just went in to check on them during nap time and they were both giggling in the crib. So, I had to be the mean mom and take P to a different room to nap and listen to SF cry for 10 min.

During this holiday weekend and all of my panicking, I wanted a swing set for the kids. I have been talking about it for a while, but then I decided I wanted it yesterday. Fully assembled and ready to go. After I promised Chad he could hunt and play golf today, he and his brother are assembling a swing set I had to have NOW!!! From the pictures you see they had good helpers before nap time. SF has fallen and eaten dirt about 10 times, but she keeps getting up and following her brother. Chad has reminded me that on Labor Day weekend all he has done is Labor. I did get a good laugh though when I went outside to see if he and Chan needed any water and it looked like less of the swing set was assembled. Come to find out the first several pieces they put together were backwards!!! Now that they have gotten that out of the way it should be smooth sailing. Parker and Sarah Foster had better play on this swing set everyday for the next 10 years, or I am never going to hear the end of it. I kept saying, during my panic, they are going to need something to do while I am inside feeding the baby!!!

The Hunting Begins!!!

Today is the first day of hunting season. Dove season to be exact, and usually Chad could care less about dove season. I think this is why God gave us a son!! I do not know who was more excited at 4:30am Chad or Parker. They went to some friends of ours land to hunt, thank you Chip and Debbie, ride 4-wheelers, and do whatever it is boys do "hunting." I am a city girl and do not know much about this hunting thing except that my boys love it!! Parker called me and told me he killed 5 deer. They actually shot at several doves, but did not kill any. They did not even see a deer, but I told Parker that was great and I was sooo proud of him. Chad said Parker had more fun looking for the shot gun shells after the shooting. They got to see a 2 day old calf and had the best time. As you can see from the pictures, my littlest hunter was worn out after his first hunting trip. Today will be the first of many. I am so thankful for a husband who wants to share his hobbies and passions with his son. What a great time for Chad to teach his son how to be a Godly man!!