Sunday, October 4, 2009


Parker had a friend tell him about going bowling, and he has been asking me to go for 2 weeks. So, after school last Tuesday we went we Jamie and Ella Grace. Parker and Ella Grace loved it, but Sarah Foster could take it or leave it!!

Ella Grace and Jamie

Cute picture of Sarah Foster that I can not figure out how to flip around! HA

Ella Grace and Sarah Foster

Parker ready to go

Ella Grace, Parker and Sarah Foster

Sarah Foster watching her ball. I think she played 3 frames!!

Sarah Foster and me.....a fun day....we went and had ice cream at Sonic after we finished.


Parker is old enough to play soccer this year. I think I was more excited about this then anyone in the family. I grew up playing soccer and could not wait until my children were old enough to play. Parker even has the number I grew up wearing!! Chad was not as thrilled and as we are running across the parking lot he asks who this is for the Mama's or the kids!! Anyway, Parker has 2 boys on the team he already knew and has made 3 new friends. The hard part is they are 4. Parker likes it, but his attention span is about 4 seconds and he rather run around and just play.

Parker and Harrison chasing the ball

Oh and he is left footed which is great!!

Davis, one of Parker's team mates, entertaining Walker instead of playing the game. Walker laughed and laughed!!

Painting outside

Parker and Sarah Foster painting the drive way. This is how they started in Daddy's T-shirts....

This is how they ended up with no shirts on and covered in paint!! They had the best time and I just got out the water hose when they were done.


He has really been holding his own bottle for about the last month!! So sad, I usually still snuggle with him while he is drinking it. I thought this was a cute picture though.

Happy before bath time

Playing with his big brother's police car

So sweet


Chad getting ready to take up the brick floor in our kitchen because I was ready for a change. He had his 2 sidekicks right beside him to help out. Parker would take all of the screws out for us. He was very helpful until we got the new backer board down and he wanted to take those screws out too!!

2 hours into the project we had to call in reinforcements!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to Brian for saving the day. I was not strong enough to get the floor up, and I think Chad would still be working on it if Brian did not help!! I forgot to mention this was supposed to be my project, and Chad was not going to have anything to do with it. Unfortunately he did A LOT of work, but I am very grateful to him as well.

Sarah Foster and Ella Grace playing while their Daddy's worked!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Walker

Parker on his first birthday. Jan 4, 2006. Look how much he and Walker favor. Walker is wearing the same outfit. So sweet!!

Sweet Boy!! You are so precious, and I can not believe my baby is a year old. You have been such a blessing and joy to our lives.

Happy Birthday

Mama and Daddy with the birthday boy

Did not love the cake....that makes me question if you are really my child!!

The cake was inspired from a soft baby blue lovie that you sleep with every night. It has an elephant on it.

First Day of School

All three children are going to First United Methodist Church this year. Parker in the 4 year old pre-k class, Sarah Foster in the 2 year old class (With the same teach Parker had. We are very excited about that) and Walker in the Infant room with the same teachers Parker and Sarah Foster had!! They love it

Wooldridge Family Beach Trip

The whole family!!

G.G. with the family

G.G. with her children and grandchildren

Dad with his children and grandchildren

Dad with the whole family

Dad with grandchildren

G.G. with grandchildren

Parker 4 Walker 11 months Sarah Foster 2 Easton 2

Love this picture

Dad with his children

I do not remember the last time the 3 of us had a picture together!!

Mom with her children

The children!!